Libra House is Ownes by
Venus (Sukra). Moon sign (Rashi)
Libra means
that Moon was present in
Libra Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Libra Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Libra Tula, november 2020: Health Prediction
The first week of the month your healthwill be good but the health of your mother may not be so good. So you should becareful about her. In the second week your wife may give you trouble for somehealth issues. On the third week you may be suffering from some stomach relatedissue. Not only that you have to take care of your eyes because it may beinfected. So the last ten or twelve days of the month you cannot be fitphysically. You have a chance og facing lots of trouble about health issues.
Libra Tula, november 2020: Business and Job Prediction
This month is more or less good for thework. For the servicemen or the businessmen it may go smoothly. Though you mayfeel some indifference towards your work in the mid of the month, the ultimateoutcome would be good.
Libra Tula, november 2020: Financial Prediction
You may be less attentive at the startingof the month so you may lose some money. Your loss can be caused by your ownfault. But at the second week you may earn good amount of money. Again after 15thyou may make some mistake for what you have to pay. But you can be able tobalance it with your good earnings. You have a possibility of earning goodamount this month. So you can compensate you loans or expanses. The expanse isalso going to be high at the last week due to physical illness.
Libra Tula, november 2020: Educational Prediction
In the educational sector you may flourishthis month. At the first week you may get chance to show your talent. So youhave to be ready & prepared. Overall in this month your study is going to bevery well. You can do better by your hard work & effort.
Libra Tula, november 2020: Social Life Prediction
The first week may be hectic in yoursocial life. Your relative may have enimity to you. You may be harmed by them.Your work may be damaged by them on 8th November. Your comrades mayprovoke you that can make you less attentive to your work. So you shouldmaintain distance from them this month. After 10th November thingsmay be soften down. Your bad luck with neighbours may be erased. You may findsome peace after 15th November. But you have to be careful while youare with them & you should be attentive & calculative towards yourwork.
Libra Tula, november 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction
The first week is going to be so good foryour conjugal life. You dont have to meet any complexity in it. Your loverelationship is going to be fabulous this week. After the first week you maymeet some bridal boil at your home. But the love relationships may go normalwithout any trouble. The entire month is going to be so auspicious for thelovers. In the third week you have a possibility to spend some time to eachother. Even in the last week you may receive so much love & care from yourlover.